

Welcome to Novel Idea.

This blog exists for the sole purpose of books and literature, and things pertaining to books and literature. It exists so that I can talk about the books I like, so yes, it is essentially an ego-booster.

But I hope it becomes more than that. I hope that, through this blog, I can foster in you the reader the same love of books that I have. I've seen these new electronic books that have come out on the market, where you can download a book and, when finished, erase it from the memory and put a new book on the hard drive. While I applaud the technology, I am saddened at the attempt to take the textile feel of books away from a generation.

The smell of a musty old library can never be replaced by a downloaded copy of War and Peace. The feel of an old, crinkly page cannot be overcome by a mere flick of a stylus.

And yes, I realize that an internet blog essentially does just that, but my sincere hope is that you'll read the books that are talked about here. You'll research the authors and see what you think. And maybe, just maybe, you'll comment on your own favorite authors.

The rules for commenting are simple:
1. Limited profanity. If you must swear, please remember that this blog aims to be a family site, so let's be as genteel as possible.
2. No spamming.

That's it. I am moderating the comments, but unless you break cardinal rule 1 or 2, your comment will appear on this blog.


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