
Review #23: Star Wars: Vision of the Future

The conclusion of the Hand of Thrawn duology is Vision of the Future. Once more Zahn showcases his mastery of the Star Wars universe. Although, this book is quite possibly the most annoying thing Zahn has written since The Icarus Hunt, which was an enjoyable story but after about 450 pages first-person becomes so annoying….

I digress. Vision of the Future is Timothy Zahn’s conclusion to the Thrawn story. The Caamas Document remains unfound at first, but eventually it turns up. Admiral Pellaeon reveals the deception of Flim and Disra, and tells Major Tierce that he is actually a clone of the original Major Tierce, who has been dead for nearly ten years.

Luke and Mara Jade infiltrate the actual Hand of Thrawn base on Nirauan, and in the process realize that they not only work well together, but that they actually love each other. They met the Qom Jha and the Qom Qua and eventually the reader just wants to shoot the book because these two races are so dad-blamed annoying. There are some rather sappy moments, and then the pair finds a clone of Thrawn himself, which they destroy.

The Civil War is averted and everything returns to normal for our heroes. Luke and Mara decide to get married; Han and Leia’s kids are slowly growing up. Chewbacca is still a walking carpet, and Lando is still selling Colt 45.

Re-readability: 8.7
Final Grade: B

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