
Review #26: Star Wars: X-Wing: The Bacta War

Michael Stackpole’s fourth entry in the X-Wing series is The Bacta War. This novel breaks from the traditional X-Wing style, as Rogue Squadron has become just that, a rogue squadron. At then end of book three they collectively resigned their commission to continue the hunt for Ysanne Isard, an action that they were forbidden from doing as soldiers of the Republic.

The battle eventually reaches Thyferra (where Isard has set up her new base), the planet most famous for making Bacta. Bacta is the bluish liquid that Luke Skywalker was floating in during The Empire Strikes Back. Wedge and the other pilots battle Isard’s forces and finally wrest the planet out of her control.

Isard is believed killed by Tycho Celchu. But you know enemies in Star Wars, just because they die doesn’t mean they’re dead.

Stackpole’s style is rather impressive within the confines of the Star Wars universe. He manages to keep the reader in a very technical story, without allowing the technology to overwhelm the reader. He creates a new villain that brings a despotic dread back to the old Empire. And he takes a minor character from the movies, Wedge Antilles, and fleshes him out into a full-fledged hero.

Re-readability: 8.9
Final Grade: B+

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